Students with Disabilities
Hello everyone!!! Welcome to the SUSA Web-site I'm Kelly Curran and I am the Students with Disabilities Officer for SUSA for this year. I am currently in my fourth and final year at Stirling studying Psychology and Sociology. Working with the rest of the SUSA representatives I am here to represent your views in your University. In particular, I have been elected to represent the students with Disabilities. So if you have any concerns or queries or you have nothing to do on a Monday afternoon between 12.00 noon and 2.00pm, pop in and see me in the SUSA office where I am all ears!!!
It is my main objective to negotiate with the University for improvement in access for all students with disabilities all around campus. Building on the hard work of Melanie Ward (SWD Officer 1999) I will continue the campaigning for the 24 hour opening of the Matthew Nelson Lab.
It is crucial to extend the knowledge of disability awareness and equality among both staff and students. So if you have any fresh thoughts or ideas, come and see me or contact me at kac05@stir.ac.uk
Also if you have any ideas or contacts that you feel should be listed on this Web-site then give me a shout!
Click here to link to the Disability Discrimination Act